Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM)

CAO is excited to offer remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM) to help our patients get better faster!

Enrollment in this program allows your therapist to continually monitor your progress and communicate with your therapist any time, any day from the convenience of your home via your phone or tablet.

All you need to do is schedule a therapy initial evaluation (either in clinic or via telehealth) and we will start you on your path to a quicker, easier recovery!

The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics has partnered with Genie Health to offer our patients a user-friendly mobile app that guides you in performing your provider prescribed home exercise program.

This Platform keeps you connected to your clinical team and includes:

Telehealth Calls

In-App Messaging with Provider

Direct Contact Between
Patient and Provider

Instant Progress
Tracking Board

Convenience by Saving
Time and Money

How it Works

Once you have received a referral for Genie Health from your CAO provider, you will receive a postcard with a QR code. Enrollment in this program allows your CAO therapist to continually monitor your progress. You can communicate with your CAO therapist any time, any day from the convenience of your home via your phone or tablet. CAO provides care that helps you accelerate your recovery.

  • Keep Consistent
  • Stay On Track
  • Recover Faster

CAO Patient Portal