Genie Health Attends AAOS Annual Meeting

To schedule a one-on-one meeting at the show, email Tim Hedke.

Shoulder and Elbow Eposter Tour

Laurence Higgins
Laurence Higgins, MD – Co-Founder and President

Poster Tour Theater in Academy Hall, Venetian Ballroom E

Tuesday, March 7th 1:30-2:30 PM

TITLE: Forward flexion can reliably be measured with a front-facing camera used for at-home physical therapy

Presented by: Laurence Higgins, MD

Co-Founder, Genie Health




General Poster Presentations

Yousef Shishani, MD, Clinical Director
Yousef Shishani, MD – Clinical Director


Practice Management/Rehabilitation Poster Session 1

Tuesday, March 7 at 7:00am – 5:00pm

Presented by Yousef Shishani, MD

Clinical Director, Genie Health

TITLE: Forward flexion can reliably be measured with a front-facing camera used for at-home physical therapy Poster Number: P0246

TITLE: At-home physical therapy with a remote monitoring digital health platform leads to similar patient reported outcomes compared to traditional in-office physical therapy following shoulder surgery Poster Number: P0250



Booth in First Time Exhibitor Section – #4463

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